Upcoming Revisions to TAA Forms and REDBOOK Online

Every two years, following the Texas Legislative Session, TAA undergoes an extensive review of all of its leases and related forms, as well as the TAA REDBOOK.

While there are no legislatively mandated changes to the lease itself, TAA will be considering member suggestions over the next several weeks, with revisions approved by the TAA Board of Directors at its meeting in October. Revised forms will be released in TAA Click & Lease by the end of the year, and TAA REDBOOK Online content will be updated in January before REDBOOK seminars begin in February 2024.

As a reminder, TAA forms and REDBOOK content will no longer be available in printed format beginning with this review cycle. Members who prefer to use printed forms can contact their local association for assistance.

Watch your email for more information regarding upcoming education opportunities related to forms changes and REDBOOK content.
