If you’re having trouble paying rent, there may be assistance available through nonprofits or government programs.

  • Contact the rental property management immediately to let them know you are having an issue.  Sometimes, the management may know of local assistance that is available, be able to work with you to develop a payment plan, or explore other options.
  • Visit Help for Texans for a list of emergency rental assistance, utility bill payment help and homeless services.
  • The federal Consumer Finance Protection Bureau also has a resource directory Find Rental Assistance Programs in Your Area | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (consumerfinance.gov).
  • Call 2-1-1 Texas or visit 2-1-1 Texas to learn about organizations helping with emergency rent and utility assistance.  2-1-1 Texas is a state social services resource center.

Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs suggests renters facing eviction visit this web portal or call 855-270-7655 for help understanding their options and seeking free or low-cost legal assistance.

